Welcome and Contact

This blog is about Linux, testing and tech. I hope you find the solution to your problem here.

I’ve worked as a QA Engineer in a variety of software companies in Ireland since 1996. I’ve dabbled with Linux since about 1998. In recent years, I’ve used it as my desktop at work (since about 2000) and since 2007 all of my boxes at home run some variant of Linux (mostly Ubuntu) — no more Windows anywhere.

If you want to get in touch for any reason, drop me an email at this domain or search for me on LinkedIn or Twitter.


September 12, 2008

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Successful bug triage Written sometime between 2001 and 2009. The original publication date is lost. This post has moved across three blogging platforms during its life.
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Discover Linux System Resources You’ve just inherited a Linux machine and you need to know how many CPUs it has, what speed they go at, how many memory slots there are and what’s